- Continue the restriction on personal watercraft launching from beaches.
- Encourage all personal watercraft to use the data tag system.
- All personal watercraft to be registered by Tor Bay Harbour Authority prior to launching.
- Continue to require proof of insurance as a condition of registration – level of cover to be no less than 3 million pounds.
- Operate a two tier charging scheme to encourage formal personal watercraft training
- Introduce fixed penalties for certain Harbour Bye-law offences – as and when allowed by central government.
- Not to allow any commercially operated personal watercraft – for hire, other than those used by operators that meet the PWC operator’s licence conditions and have been issued a valid licence.
- Apply the necessary regulative measures and objectives to personal watercraft emanating from the
- Follow the appropriate guidelines from 'Managing Personal Watercraft – A guide for local and harbour authorities' published by the BMF and RYA.
- Monitor and review all incidents and near miss incidents reported to the Harbour Authority involving PWC
Tor Bay Harbour Bye-laws shall be used to underpin the objectives set out above. In particular, the following bye-laws shall apply:
- No. 3 Interpretation (see definition of 'vessel')
- No. 14 Competent Persons to be in Charge of Vessels
- No. 27 Hauling Out and Launching of Vessels
- No. 33 Change of Ownership of Vessel
- No. 34 Launching of Vessels
- No. 54 Competent Look-Out
- No. 55 Use of Water Ski Lane
Updated: February 2018