Tor Bay Harbour

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About the service

Tor Bay Harbour is a self-financing business unit of Torbay Council which delivers the Council’s statutory harbour function via a dedicated Harbour Committee which acts as the ‘duty holder’ for the purposes of the Port Marine Safety Code.

The harbour is both the focal point and heart of Torbay’s built and natural environment.

The Bay is a working harbour that provides substantial protection from the prevailing weather for all sizes and types of merchant, passenger, fishing and cruise vessels. It hosts England’s largest fishing port (by value of catch) and is increasingly becoming an aquaculture centre of excellence.

It is also a popular recreational harbour that hosts many local, national and international events, and it boasts clean and safe Blue Flag beaches. This business unit also manages the Council’s beaches and coastline beyond the harbour limits/high water mark, with a separate revenue budget.

Arguably, the harbour’s success is one of the key existential factors for Torbay’s as a tourist destination, and both the Council and community rightly view the harbour as a critical and strategic asset.

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Service outcomes

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We employ 22 FTE and 6 seasonal assistants from May to September.

Structure chart

Harbours staff structure chart

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Revenue budget

Summary of budget digest for 2012-22
Details Number of FTE employees Total expenditure £,000 Total income £’000 Net expenditure £’000
Beach Services 3.6 863 -946 -83
Service total 24.2 4,339 -4,422 -83
Tor Bay Harbour Authority 20.6 3,476 -3,476 0

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Key partners and stakeholders

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Key achievements and successes

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Service activities and actions for the next 12 months

Operate a safe and efficient harbour

We will do this by:

Service Outcome, Community and Corporate Plan theme or other reason for doing this:

Thriving economy

Tackling climate change

Council fit for the future

Digitise services

We will do this by:

Service Outcome, Community and Corporate Plan theme or other reason for doing this:

Council fit for the future

Enlarge the commercial fishing port in Brixham

We will do this by:

Service Outcome, Community and Corporate Plan theme or other reason for doing this:

Thriving economy

Tackling climate change

Improve the material condition of the harbour

We will do this by:

Service Outcome, Community and Corporate Plan theme or other reason for doing this:

Thriving people

Thriving economy

Tackling climate change

Protect and improve bathing water quality in the Bay

We will do this by:

Service Outcome, Community and Corporate Plan theme or other reason for doing this:

Thriving people

Thriving economy

Obtain CSAS accreditation for nominated harbour staff

Service Outcome, Community and Corporate Plan theme or other reason for doing this:

Thriving people

Support maritime events

Support events such as:

Service Outcome, Community and Corporate Plan theme or other reason for doing this:

Thriving people

Thriving economy

Reduce energy usage

Service Outcome, Community and Corporate Plan theme or other reason for doing this:

Tackling climate change

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Planned changes in service over the next 12 months

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Additional service resource requirements

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Service Performance Standards/Indicators (quantitative and qualitative)

ID Standard/Indicator Link to Community & Corporate Plan or other Outcome Current Standard/Indicator Performance (Value) Target Performance for Standard/Indicator (Value) Target Date for Target Performance Accountable Officer
TDAMS01 Harbour estate lettings occupancy Thriving economy/ Create an environment in which businesses and jobs can grow and where we have a local economy which is successful and sustainable/ Protect and accelerate the development of employment space to accommodate business growth 100% 95% April 2022 Harbour Master
TDAMS07 Fish toll income Thriving economy/ Create an environment in which businesses and jobs can grow and where we have a local economy which is successful and sustainable/ Build community wealth £873k (forecast) £900k April 2022 Harbour Master
THARB26 % variation on budgeted income Council fit for the future/ Create a culture of partnership between the Council and communities/ Become an enabling Council -5% (forecast) <2% April 2022 Harbour Master
THARB27 % variation on budgeted expenditure Council fit for the future/ Create a culture of partnership between the Council and communities/ Become an enabling Council +2.5% (forecast) <2% April 2022 Harbour Master
B&C08 % variation on budgeted expenditure Council fit for the future/ Create a culture of partnership between the Council and communities/ Become an enabling Council 0% <2% April 2022 Harbour Master
B&C11 % variation on budgeted income Council fit for the future/ Create a culture of partnership between the Council and communities/ Become an enabling Council -8.6% (forecast) <2% April 2022 Harbour Master

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Risk management

To determine the value and colour rating of the risk please refer to the below Risk Matrix:

Risk matrix
Impact Probability
Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost certain
Critical 5 10 15 20 25
Major 4 8 12 16 20
Moderate 3 6 9 12 15
Minor 2 4 6 8 10
Insignificant 1 2 3 4 5

To help in assessing impact and probability please see Appendix 1 of this template which has a guide on the definitions used in the risk matrix above.

Service risks and mitigating actions
Risk ID Description Related Performance Indicator ID Current Risk Rating Value (Impact/Pro bability) Current Risk Rating Colour Current Mitigating Actions Risk Rating after Current Mitigating Actions Completed Target Risk Rating Date to Achieve Target Risk Rating Accountable Officer
BURHMS-10 Brexit disruption to fish tolls/ other income TDAMS07


Amber ███████

Additional staff resource to expedite export paperwork.
Re-baseline budget.
Liaise with central Government.

Amber ███████

ASAP Harbour Master, Divisional Director for Community and Customer Services
SARHMS-01 Climate change TDAMS01


Amber ███████

Shoreline Management Plan.
Invest in more sea defences (Paignton is a

Yellow ███████

April 2022 Chief Executive
BURHMS-04 Financial sustainability THARB26


Red ███████

Reduce funds transferred to GF 12

Amber ███████

April 2022 Director of Finance (S151 Officer)
BURHMS-05 Effective management of Health and Safety N/A


Yellow ███████

Recruit a Health and Safety Officer 6

Yellow ███████

April 2021 Harbour Master

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Appendix one - Risk matrix definitions


Category/Descriptor Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Critical
Operational delivery Service delivery is affected but not disrupted Some disruption to specific service Disruption to a number of service areas The shutdown of specific service area/Disruption to a number of service areas. Shurdown of a number of service areas
Strategic direction Slight, temporary deviance from one area of strategic direction Slight, temporary deviance from several areas of strategic direction Significant deviance from one area of strategic direction Significant deviance from several areas of strategic direction Strategic direction totally compromised/unrecoverable
Council Financial Impact Loss of less than 0.5% of monthly budget or £5,000 Loss of more than 1% of monthly budget or £50k Loss of more than 5% of monthly budget or £100k Loss of more than 10% of monthly budget or £500k Loss of more than 15% of monthly budget or £1m
Legal Sued for a small amount of money Court action - not prolonged Prolonged court action/tribunal Court action impeding the delivery of Council objective Protracted high profile legal proceedings
Governance Individual internal control is not effective Number of internal controls are not effective Loss of confidence in internal controls requires senior officer intervention Loss of confidence by Council or external audit bodies/suspension of officers External body required to intervene in the governance of Council
Reputation Minor adverse publicity in local media Significant adverse publicity in local media Minor adverse publicity in national media Sustained adverse publicity in local media and member dissatisfaction Chief executive and/or elected member resignation/removal
Workplace health and safety Incident - no lost time and near miss Less than 3 days lost More than 3 days absence Serious injury/stress resulting in hospitalisation Fatality (not natural causes)
Health No detrimental impact on the health of individuals Health issues will require treatment at a community level Health issues will require treatment in a hospital Long term or acute health issues Fatalities
Security No notifiable or reportable incident Localised incident. No effect on operations Localised incident. Significant effect on operations A localised incident involving multiple locations Extreme incident seriously affecting continuity of operations
Social and environmental factors No lasting detrimental environmental or social impact Short term detrimental environmental or social impact to localised area/small group Short term detrimental environmental or social impact to wide community/area/groups Long term detrimental environmental or social impact to wide community/area/groups Extensive detrimental long term impact on the environment and community
Assets Low level loss or damage to asset; no effect on service or community provision Short term loss of asset not critical to service or community provision Long term loss of asset not critical to service or community provision Short term loss of asset critical to service or community provision Total long term loss of asset critical to service or community provision
Other service/organisations Service delivery by other services/organisations affected but not interrupted Some interruption to specific services provided by other services/organisations Disruption to a number of services provided by other services/organisations The shutdown of specific services provided by other services/organisations The shutdown of a number of services provided by other services/organisations
Local economy Low level economic decline/rise in unemployment Significant economic decline affecting under 10% of businesses/rise in unemployment across a limited number of areas of Torbay Significant economic decline affecting between 10% and 15% of businesses/rise in unemployment across Torbay Significant economic decline affecting more than 15% of businesses/rise in unemployment across many areas of Torbay Economic decline and unemployment is significant across all of Torbay

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